Evaluate Executives Based on the 4 C’s of Leadership

Investing in a company means much more than just investing in a business plan or a concept—it also means investing in a leadership team. A company’s leadership can make or break its bottom line and ultimate success, which is why it’s important to develop an effective way to evaluate executives. One good method, developed by General David D. McKiernan, is based on the “4 C’s” of leadership: competency, commitment, courage and candor.

  • Competency means being skilled at what the organization does, both operationally and technically. The more senior the leader, the more they will need the competency to operate the entire organizational system, but it’s still important to have technical competency in what the organization does at a base level.
  • When a leader has commitment, they put their heart and soul into the business and the people who work there. This doesn’t mean giving up work-life balance or running oneself ragged, but it does mean a willingness to do what’s needed.
  • A good leader needs the courage to make tough choices for the good of the company.
  • Candor means the ability to communicate openly and honestly—a key characteristic for any good leader.

General McKiernan adds a fifth “C” for senior leaders: consistency. Leaders who are consistent project steady leadership, values and vision even during uncertain times. This produces trust and loyalty at all levels of the organization.

At Intelex, we help investors succeed by creating detailed executive profiles that help them gain a clear and unbiased understanding of a company’s management team. Give us a call at (203) 921-0316 or contact us online today to get started!

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